The key issues that needed to be solved were stopping the shadow maps from shimmering, solving the 'shadow acne' problem, and get some decent filtering on the shadow edges. I'll talk about each of them quickly, but if you're hungry for more check the references section for all the details.
Shadow Shimmering
As the camera moves around the world, the frustum changes with it. And since the shadow cascades are built to enclose slices of frustum, as it moves they can vary dramatically with regards to their size. This in turn means that the way a piece of geometry is rendered into the shadow map will vary from frame to frame. What this manifests itself as is a shimmering effect on the shadow edges as the camera changes its position or orientation. Increasing the resolution of the shadow map helps, but doesn't rid us of the problem. I believe the best known solution to this is Michal Valient's approach. He solves the two issues of orientation changes and position changes of the frustum. Firstly, to stop the size of the shadow cascade bounds from changing as the frustum orients around, he wraps the frustum slice in a sphere (a sphere being a rotationally invariant bounding volume). This sphere can then be projected into light space and the bounds can be calculated off of it's position and radius. Secondly, to stop position changes of the camera from causing shimmering, Valient proposed that you snap the projection bounds in light space to shadow map texel sized increments. This means that as the camera moves, and the cascade bounds in light space move, any geometry that's rendered will be offset in texel sized increments, meaning no sub pixel shimmer will be encountered.
Here's the code I use to calculate the min/max bounds of the projection volume.
float shadowMapResolution = LightManager::GetInstance().GetShadowMapsResolution();
// Calculate the view space extents of the frustum points.
float f = (frustumEnclosingSphereRadius * 2.0f) / (shadowMapResolution);
MathLib::vector4 centerViewSpace;
MathLib::matrix4x4_vectorMul(worldViewMatrix, frustumEnclosingSpherePosition, centerViewSpace);
float minX = centerViewSpace.extractX() - frustumEnclosingSphereRadius;
minX = floor(minX / f) * f;
float minY = centerViewSpace.extractY() - frustumEnclosingSphereRadius;
minY = floor(minY / f) * f;
float viewportExtent = floor((frustumEnclosingSphereRadius * 2.0f) / f) * f; // Ensure view point extents are a texel multiple.
float maxX = minX + viewportExtent;
float maxY = minY + viewportExtent;
If you read my previous post you'd see that in the diagram that I was using to explain the cascade idea, I was using several light basis. Essentially what I was doing was creating a new virtual shadow position offset from the mid point of the cascade along the reverse direction of the sun light direction.
This is blatantly WRONG! In order to have stable cascaded shadow maps, you need one fixed light position that does not change.
Shadow Acne
Shadow acne occurs because an entire area of the world can be assigned to one shadow map texel with one depth value. When you are rendering the world space points that map to that texel, the value is just as likely to be in shadow as not. The diagram explains it better:
In addition to acne, precision issues that result from the nature of depth buffers themselves (non-linearity, finite precision) can result in incorrect shadowing results when you perform the shadow comparison directly.
The solution to these issues are a set of "bias" techniques that you can apply to the depth values of the shadow map, either during rasterization of it or during the test against it. There is no singular solution, rather an multi-front attack has to be made. Firstly, a constant bias applied to the shadow test acts as an error margin in favour of the pixel being lit, which helps to compensate for precision issues. Essentially don't shadow unless you're farther away than the stored depth + bias. Simple enough, but doesn't help when the slope of the geometry is such that a larger bias is required, and setting the constant bias too large will result in peter panning of the shadows, whereby they become detached from their geometry in the scene. What we need is a slope aware calculation. This MSDN diagram shows what we need perfectly:
The more perpendicular the surface normal is to the vector from the point to the light (in our case as it's a directional sun light this is the negation of the light direction), the higher our bias needs to be. So if the two vectors are the same, no bias need be applied, but if they are at 90 degrees the bias needs to be essentially infinite as the light direction and the tangent plane of the surface are parallel in that case. In practice, we'll clamp this to some value however. The trig function that is perfect for this is, of course, tan() as it has asymptotes that extend to infinity at 90 degrees. This post by Ignacio Castano has a nice way of calculating this using the dot product and some basic trig identities:
float GetSlopeScaledBias(vec3 N, vec3 L)
float cosAlpha = clamp(dot(N, L), 0.0, 1.0);
float sinAlpha = sqrt(1.0 - cosAlpha * cosAlpha); // sin(acos(L*N))
float tanAlpha = sinAlpha / cosAlpha; // tan(acos(L*N))
return tanAlpha;
The third technique I read up on was Normal Offset Shadows (related), which involves offseting the shadow receiver vertex along its normal to avoid acne problems. This is a smart idea and works really well but I couldn't really use it because I don't render in a forward fashion. By the time I get to the shadowing stage all I have context of are pixels, and the normals stored in the gbuffer are not geometric surface normals but normals that could have come from a normal map, so it wouldn't work.
This did give me the idea to offset geometry whilst rasterizing the shadow map, however.
In the vertex shader of the terrain nodes shadowing pass, I offset slightly along the normal of the vertex but only use the y component of the normal. This is to avoid generating gaps in the shadow maps in between terrain nodes. It's hacky, but it works pretty damn well and saves me from having to ramp up my standard bias values to compensate for large terrain variations.
Shadow Filtering
This is dozens of different ways to approach shadow filtering, ranging from simple PCF box filters, Gaussian weighted filters, or rotated Poisson disk filters, to more advanced methods like Variance Shadow Maps and Exponential Variance Shadow Maps. For me right now, a simple adjustable n x n box PCF filter looks pretty good, but I'll revisit this at a later time I'm sure.
For cascaded shadow maps, you are provided with some nice flexibility in that you can adjust the complexity of the filtering method based on the cascade that the current pixel is in. This allows you to put the best looking but slowest filters close to the camera. You just have to be careful that the viewer doesn't notice the transition between cascades, and I know that several engines filter the boundaries of the cascades to hide any harsh transitions.
Demonstration Video
Of course, now post is complete without screenshots and/or a video!
Additional References
Valient, M., "Stable Rendering of Cascaded Shadow Maps", In: Engel, W. F ., et al., "ShaderX6: Advanced Rendering Techniques", Charles River Media, 2008, ISBN 1-58450-544-3.
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