Sunday, 14 September 2014

Rendering Post: Terrain

This was actually the first rendering subsystem I worked on, you can't have the beginnings of a strategy game without a terrain to drive vehicles over can you? Nope.
I was being lazy about the whole thing, thinking perhaps I could get away with using the brute force approach and rendering a 1km x 1km map as just a single huge mesh, and while that could be feasible for a small game, it's not really practical for the kind of game I wanted to try build. Also, doing it the brute force way just isn't impressive enough to write a blog about!

So there's a few sides to the terrain rendering system. The first is the geometry system. And the second is the surface texturing system and lighting, and the third perhaps could be the level editor and terrain modification system.

Geometry System
When it comes down to rendering terrain geometry , there are a wealth of available lod algorithms to use, but care needs to be taken when choosing which one to use as several of them were invented at a time when hardware characteristics were very different from what you can expect to find in a modern system. I'm not going to rewrite a summary of all of the other terrain geometry algorithms when such a good reference page exists here but rather talk about what I felt was necessary for the system I built.

What I needed was an algorithm that:
1). Has minimal CPU overhead. Almost all of the work must be done on the GPU, and the GPU should never be stall waiting for the CPU to hand feed geometry to it.

2). Requires no advanced preprocessing phase, and supports terrain deformation. It should also preferably not have any visible seams or cracks between nodes that need to be filled in, in other words the resulting geometry should be continuous.

3). Requires little or no per-frame memory allocations, and who's overall memory usage is minimal.
Overall memory usage is easy to understand, but the per-frame allocations is especially important as I haven't gotten around to writing a memory manager yet so all of my allocations are through the new operator. That's bad enough as it's a kernel mode call, but eventually you'll also start running into fragmentation problems as well. So minimizing my heap memory usage right now is paramount.

4). Is (relatively) easy to implement. Duh, it's just me writing this thing, and I have a dozen other things to get around to as well ;)

The algorithm I eventually decided to use was the non-streaming version of Filip Strugar's excellent Continuous Distance-Dependent Level of Detail (CDLOD). What I like about this algorithm is that it's easy to implement, easy to extend, and, aside from the heightmap itself, requires no additional memory on the GPU but one small vertex buffer (just a grid mesh that get's reused over and over for every quadtree node). I'm not implementing the streaming version as, for an RTS, you can instantly hop to any part of the playable space and you really don't want to see low detail terrain there. Additionally, the entire playing field fits into a small enough memory footprint that it shouldn't be necessary.

Here you can see the algorithm in action, with the morph areas clearly visible.
Surface Texturing And Lighting
With the geometry system up and running, next thing to do is make sure that it's textured nicely. Again there's many different kinds of texturing methods here, but for now simple is better (well simple to start with, that I can improve later when I bump up against it's limitations..). All I did was implement basic texture splatting, but have it so that it can use up to eight different layers (So, two RGBA splat textures are required), and each layer has a diffuse and normal component so we get nice normal mapping on the terrain.

Here you can see the different splatting layers.
Speaking of normal mapping, when first thinking about it, I thought that storing the whole tangent-bitangent-normal basis per vertex for every vertex on the terrain would be a huge memory drain (as in, impossible to do). But this presentation from the engine guys over at DICE pointed out the completely obvious fact that if you have access to the heightmap data you can just recalculate the basis in the vertex shader. Which drops that from being a concern completely and is plenty fast at runtime. So for the lighting you just calculate the basis in the vertex shader, interpolate it, and in the fragment shader transform from tangent space to view space and store the resulting normal in the gbuffer. Easy!
View space normals generated form the heightmap + splatted normal maps.
A note on memory usage.
The actual heightmap texture that's used by the renderer, is stored in 16 bit floating point. So the entire memory usage for a 4km x 4km play space with 1 meter resolution sits at a comfortable 32MB on the GPU. The textures used will vary widely in size of course.

Terrain Editor 
Most of my previous demos had me just loading up a heightmap and using that but that's no good when you're trying to actually build something that can be used for a game. The gulf between simple demo and game engine component... but I'm getting off topic.
What you need from a terrain editing tool is the ability to make terrain adjustments in real time, and see it in real time. It's completely unusable if you have to modify a heightmap image or something stupid like that, and then reload into the game. In fact, the actual heightmap should be abstracted away from the user. They're just modifying the terrain and shouldn't care about how it's stored or rendered.

The core piece of code that enables all of the editing in the level editor is ray-terrain intersection.
This is actually required for the game as well (select unit, tell him to move over there) so making it fast is important. What happens is that there's two components to the terrain system. One rendering quadtree, who's nodes subdivide to the terrain patch size (which is usually like 31x31 or 61x61 vertices in my engine, but can vary) and another system side quadtree which is subdivided to a much higher granularity for the ray triangle intersections. As for what editing functionality is provided, the usual suspects, like addition, subtraction, set to level height, smoothing and all that. Best seen through screenshots:

Heightmap modification.

End Result
To end off with I might as well put a video here showing the actual level editor in action. Excuse the horrible programmer level design :)

That's it for the post, thanks for reading!
And a special thanks to all the folks who put their free assets online for me to test stuff with, it is much appreciated!

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